After months of development and a few pre-release versions, we are happy to announce that Instantbird 0.2 is now ready to be put in the hands of the general public.
Instantbird 0.2 is now available in 5 languages thanks to the great work of our translators.
If you have tried Instantbird 0.1 back in 2007 when it was first released, Instantbird 0.2 may feel like a completely different software to you. The most dramatically changed area is the conversation window (for example, new tabs and message styles), but there are notable changes in almost every window. For a list of changes, see the release notes.
Let's stop talking, so that you can discover Instantbird 0.2 now!
In the next few days, we will talk about our plans for the future, and especially Instantbird 0.3. Stay tuned!