ok=OK cancel=Batalkan buddies=Teman-teman message=Pesan gender=Jenis Kelamin connected=Tersambung connecting=Menyambungkan unableToConnect5d04a002=Tidak dapat tersambung title=Judul connectPort=Sambungkan port connectServer=Sambungkan server unableToParseMessage=Tidak dapat mem-parse pesan age=Umur location=Lokasi noSuchUser=Tidak ada pengguna: %s userLookup=Pencarian pengguna readingChallenge=Tantangan Pembacaan unexpectedChallengeLengthFromServer=Tantangan panjang tak terduga dari dari server loggingIn=Logging masuk newMailMessages=Pesan surat baru newBlogComments=Komentar blog baru newProfileComments=Komentar profil baru newFriendRequests=Permohonan teman baru! newPictureComments=Komentar gambar baru myspace=MySpace imFriends=Teman-teman PI addContactsFromServer=Tambahkan kontak dari server protocolErrorCode=Kesalahan protokol, kode %d: %s myspaceimError=Kesalahan MySpaceIM invalidInputCondition=Kondisi input tidak valid failedToAddBuddy=Gagal menambahkan teman addbuddyCommandFailed=Perintah addbuddy' gagal. persistCommandFailed=perintah bertahan gagal failedToRemoveBuddy=Gagal menghapus teman delbuddyCommandFailed=perintah delbuddy' gagal blocklistCommandFailed=perintah blocklist gagal missingCipher=Cipher Kurang theRc4CipherCouldNotBeFound=Cipher RC$ tidak dapat ditemukan upgradeToALibpurpleWithRc4Support=Perbaharui ke libpurple dengan dukungan RC4 (>= 2.0.1). Plugin MySpaceIM tidak akan dimuat. addFriendsFromMyspaceCom=Tambahkan teman dari MySpace.com importingFriendsFailed=Mengimpor teman gagal findPeople=Cari orang… changeImName=Ganti nama PI… myimUrlHandler=pengatur myim URL noSuitableMyspaceimAccountCouldBeFound=Akun MySpaceIM yang cocok tidak ditemukan untuk membuka URL myim ini. enableTheProperMyspaceimAccountAndTry=Mungkinkan akun MySpaceIM yang tepat dan coba lagi. showDisplayNameInStatusText=Tampilkan nama tampilan dalam teks status showHeadlineInStatusText=Tampilkan judul dalam teks status sendEmoticons=Kirim emotikon screenResolutionDotsPerInch=Resolusi layar (titik per inchi) baseFontSizePoints=Ukuran huruf dasar (point)r user=Pengguna headline=Judul song=Lagu totalFriends=Total Teman clientVersion=Versi Klien noUsernameSet=Nama pengguan tidak diatur # TODO: icons for each zap # Lots of comments for translators: # Zap means "to strike suddenly and forcefully as if with a # projectile or weapon." This term often has an electrical # connotation, for example, "he was zapped by electricity when # he put a fork in the toaster." zap=Zap hasZappedYou=%s telah men-sap anda! zapping=Men-zap %s… # Whack means "to hit or strike someone with a sharp blow" whack=Hantam hasWhackedYou=%s telah mengantam anda! whacking=Menghantam %s… # Torch means "to set on fire." Don't worry, this doesn't # make a whole lot of sense in English, either. Feel free # to translate it literally. torch=Obor hasTorchedYou=%s telah membakar anda! torching=Membakar %s… # Smooch means "to kiss someone, often enthusiastically" smooch=Cipok hasSmoochedYou=%s telah mencipok anda! smooching=Mencipok %s… # A hug is a display of affection; wrapping your arms around someone hug=Peluk hasHuggedYou=%s telah memeluk anda! hugging=Memeluk %s… # Slap means "to hit someone with an open/flat hand" slap=Tampar hasSlappedYou=%s telah menampar anda! slapping=Menampar %s… # Goose means "to pinch someone on their butt" goose=Meneriaki hasGoosedYou=%s telah meneriaki anda! goosing=Meneriaki %s… # A high-five is when two people's hands slap each other # in the air above their heads. It is done to celebrate # something, often a victory, or to congratulate someone. highFive=Tos hasHighFivedYou=%s telah mentos anda! highFiving=Men-tos %s… # We're not entirely sure what the MySpace people mean by # this... but we think it's the equivalent of "prank." Or, for # someone to perform a mischievous trick or practical joke. punk=Mengerjai hasPunkDYou=%s telah mengerjai anda! punking=Mengerjai %s… # Raspberry is a slang term for the vibrating sound made # when you stick your tongue out of your mouth with your # lips closed and blow. It is typically done when # gloating or bragging. Nowadays it's a pretty silly # gesture, so it does not carry a harsh negative # connotation. It is generally used in a playful tone # with friends. raspberry=Mencoret hasRaspberriedYou=%s telah mencoret anda! raspberrying=Mencoret-coret %s…