ok=确定 cancel=取消 buddies=好友 message=消息 gender=性别 connected=已连接 connecting=正在连接 lostConnectionWithServerd8a044cf=与服务器失去连接:%s unableToConnect5d04a002=无法连接 unableToConnectb0a9a86e=无法连接到 %s serverClosedTheConnection=服务器关闭了连接。 tuneArtist=歌曲艺术家 tuneTitle=歌曲标题 connectPort=连接端口 connectServer=连接服务器 unableToParseMessage=无法解析消息 emailAddress=电子邮件地址… age=年龄 location=位置 viewWebProfile=查看 Web 配置文件 noSuchUser=无此用户:%s userLookup=用户查找 readingChallenge=读取挑战 unexpectedChallengeLengthFromServer=服务器的挑战无效 loggingIn=登录 myspaceimNoUsernameSet=MySpaceIM - 未设定用户名 youAppearToHaveNoMyspaceUsername=您没有 MySpace 用户名。 wouldYouLikeToSetOneNow=您是否想立即设置?(注意:不可更改!) lostConnectionWithServerdcfac2b7=与服务器失去连接 newMailMessages=新的邮件 newBlogComments=新博客评论 newProfileComments=新个人资料评论 newFriendRequests=新好友请求! newPictureComments=新图片评论 myspace=MySpace imFriends=即时消息朋友 addContactsFromServer=从服务器添加联系人 protocolErrorCode=协议错误,代码 %d: %s yourPasswordIsCharactersWhichIsLonger=%s 您的密码有 %zu 个字符,超过了最大长度 %d。请在 http://profileedit.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=accountSettings.changePassword 缩短您的密码并重试。 incorrectUsernameOrPassword=用户名或密码错误 myspaceimError=MySpaceIM 错误 invalidInputCondition=无效的输入条件 failedToAddBuddy=添加好友失败 addbuddyCommandFailed=“添加好友” 命令失败。 persistCommandFailed=切换板失败 failedToRemoveBuddy=移除好友失败 delbuddyCommandFailed=delbuddy 命令失败 blocklistCommandFailed=切换板失败 upgradeToALibpurpleWithRc4Support=升级到带有 RC4 支持的 libpurple (>= 2.0.1),MySpaceIM 插件未载入。 addFriendsFromMyspaceCom=从 MySpace.com 添加好友 importingFriendsFailed=无效的好友文件 findPeople=找人… changeImName=更改 IM 名称… myimUrlHandler=myim URL 处理器 noSuitableMyspaceimAccountCouldBeFound=没有找到适合打开此 myim URL 的帐号。 enableTheProperMyspaceimAccountAndTry=请启用正确的 MySpaceIM 帐户并重试。 showDisplayNameInStatusText=在状态文本中显示名称 showHeadlineInStatusText=在状态文本显示新闻提要 sendEmoticons=发送表情 screenResolutionDotsPerInch=屏幕分辨率(每英寸点数) baseFontSizePoints=基本字号(点) user=用户 headline=标头 song=声音 totalFriends=好友总计 clientVersion=客户端版本 myspaceimUsernameAvailable=MySpaceIM - 用户名可用 thisUsernameIsAvailableWouldYouLike=此用户名可用。您是否想设置为这个用户名? onceSetThisCannotBeChanged=一旦设置,将不可更改! myspaceimPleaseSetAUsername=MySpaceIM - 请设置一个用户名 thisUsernameIsUnavailable=该用户名不可用。 pleaseTryAnotherUsername=请尝试另外的用户名: noUsernameSet=未设定用户名 pleaseEnterAUsernameToCheckIts=请输入一个用户名以检查其是否可用: # TODO: icons for each zap # Lots of comments for translators: # Zap means "to strike suddenly and forcefully as if with a # projectile or weapon." This term often has an electrical # connotation, for example, "he was zapped by electricity when # he put a fork in the toaster." # Whack means "to hit or strike someone with a sharp blow" # Torch means "to set on fire." Don't worry, this doesn't # make a whole lot of sense in English, either. Feel free # to translate it literally. # Smooch means "to kiss someone, often enthusiastically" smooch=热吻 hasSmoochedYou=%s 给了你一个热吻! smooching=热吻 %s… # A hug is a display of affection; wrapping your arms around someone hug=拥抱 hasHuggedYou=%s 拥抱了你! hugging=拥抱 %s… # Slap means "to hit someone with an open/flat hand" slap=拍打 hasSlappedYou=%s 拍了你一下! slapping=拍一下 %s… # Goose means "to pinch someone on their butt" # A high-five is when two people's hands slap each other # in the air above their heads. It is done to celebrate # something, often a victory, or to congratulate someone. # We're not entirely sure what the MySpace people mean by # this... but we think it's the equivalent of "prank." Or, for # someone to perform a mischievous trick or practical joke. # Raspberry is a slang term for the vibrating sound made # when you stick your tongue out of your mouth with your # lips closed and blow. It is typically done when # gloating or bragging. Nowadays it's a pretty silly # gesture, so it does not carry a harsh negative # connotation. It is generally used in a playful tone # with friends.