accounts=comptes enterPassword=Picatz lo mot de pas ok=Validar cancel=Anullar connectionError=Error de connexion newPassword=Mot de pas novèl save=Enregistrar unknown88183b94=Desconegut unknownError=Error desconeguda sendMessage=Enviar un messatge _sendMessage=_Enviar un messatge message=Messatge invite=Convidar unknownReason=Rason desconeguda offline=Desconnectat available=Disponible away=Absent(a) authenticationFailed=L'autentificacion a abocat _ok=_Validar _cancel=_Anullar invisible=Invisible _yes=_Òc _no=_Non _accept=_Acceptar # This string determines how some dates are displayed. The default # string "%x %X" shows the date then the time. Translators can # change this to "%X %x" if they want the time to be shown first, # followed by the date. calculating=A calcular… unknown2a213209=Desconegut. second=%d segonda;%d secondes day=%d jorn;%d jours hourb4287886=%d ora;%d heures minute14ad767f=%d minuta;%d minutes connectionTimedOut=Connectat connectionRefused=Connectat