unknownErroraee9784c=Unknown error
unableToConnect=Unable to connect
jobTitle=Job Title
initiate_chat=Initiate _Chat
nowListening=Now Listening
tuneArtist=Tune Artist
tuneTitle=Tune Title
tuneAlbum=Tune Album
connectionTimeout=Connection Timeout
unableToAdd27fe1719=Unable to add "%s".
buddyAddError=Buddy Add error
theUsernameSpecifiedDoesNotExist=The username specified does not exist.
unableToParseMessage=Unable to parse message
syntaxErrorProbablyAClientBug=Syntax Error (probably a client bug)
invalidEmailAddress=Invalid email address
userDoesNotExist=User does not exist
fullyQualifiedDomainNameMissing=Fully qualified domain name missing
alreadyLoggedIn=Already logged in
invalidUsername=Invalid username
invalidFriendlyName=Invalid friendly name
listFull=List full
alreadyThere=Already there
notOnList=Not on list
userIsOffline=User is offline
alreadyInTheMode=Already in the mode
alreadyInOppositeList=Already in opposite list
tooManyGroups=Too many groups
invalidGroup=Invalid group
userNotInGroup=User not in group
groupNameTooLong=Group name too long
cannotRemoveGroupZero=Cannot remove group zero
triedToAddAUserToA=Tried to add a user to a group that doesn't exist
switchboardFailed=Switchboard failed
notifyTransferFailed=Notify transfer failed
requiredFieldsMissing=Required fields missing
tooManyHitsToAFnd=Too many hits to a FND
notLoggedIn=Not logged in
serviceTemporarilyUnavailable=Service temporarily unavailable
databaseServerError=Database server error
commandDisabled=Command disabled
fileOperationError=File operation error
memoryAllocationError=Memory allocation error
wrongChlValueSentToServer=Wrong CHL value sent to server
serverBusy=Server busy
serverUnavailable=Server unavailable
peerNotificationServerDown=Peer notification server down
databaseConnectError=Database connect error
serverIsGoingDownAbandonShip=Server is going down (abandon ship)
errorCreatingConnection=Error creating connection
cvrParametersAreEitherUnknownOrNot=CVR parameters are either unknown or not allowed
unableToWrite=Unable to write
sessionOverload=Session overload
userIsTooActive=User is too active
tooManySessions=Too many sessions
passportNotVerified=Passport not verified
badFriendFile=Bad friend file
notExpected=Not expected
friendlyNameIsChangingTooRapidly=Friendly name is changing too rapidly
serverTooBusy=Server too busy
authenticationFailed=Authentication failed
notAllowedWhenOffline=Not allowed when offline
notAcceptingNewUsers=Not accepting new users
kidsPassportWithoutParentalConsent=Kids Passport without parental consent
passportAccountNotYetVerified=Passport account not yet verified
passportAccountSuspended=Passport account suspended
badTicket=Bad ticket
unknownErrorCode=Unknown Error Code %d
msnError=MSN Error: %s
buddyListSynchronizationIssueIn=Buddy list synchronisation issue in %s (%s)
onTheLocalListIsInsideThe=%s on the local list is inside the group "%s" but not on the server list. Do you want this buddy to be added?
isOnTheLocalListButNot=%s is on the local list but not on the server list. Do you want this buddy to be added?
otherContacts=Other Contacts
nonImContacts=Non-IM Contacts
sentAWinkAHrefMsnWink=%s sent a wink. Click here to play it
sentAWinkButItCouldNot=%s sent a wink, but it could not be saved
sentAVoiceClipAHrefAudio=%s sent a voice clip. Click here to play it
sentAVoiceClipButItCould=%s sent a voice clip, but it could not be saved
sentYouAVoiceChatInviteWhich=%s sent you a voice chat invite, which is not yet supported.
hasNudgedYou=%s has nudged you!
nudging=Nudging %s…
emailAddress=Email Address…
yourNewMsnFriendlyNameIsToo=Your new MSN friendly name is too long.
setFriendlyNameFor=Set friendly name for %s.
setFriendlyName8607c582=Set Friendly Name
thisIsTheNameThatOtherMsn=This is the name that other MSN buddies will see you as.
thisLocation=This Location
thisIsTheNameThatIdentifiesThis=This is the name that identifies this location
otherLocations=Other Locations
youCanSignOutFromOtherLocations=You can sign out from other locations here
youAreNotSignedInFromAny=You are not signed in from any other locations.
allowMultipleLogins=Allow multiple logins?
doYouWantToAllowOrDisallow05d7d442=Do you want to allow or disallow connecting from multiple locations simultaneously?
setYourHomePhoneNumber=Set your home telephone number.
setYourWorkPhoneNumber=Set your work telephone number.
setYourMobilePhoneNumber=Set your mobile phone number.
allowMsnMobilePages=Allow MSN Mobile pages?
doYouWantToAllowOrDisallowdb0ca609=Do you want to allow or disallow people on your buddy list to send you MSN Mobile pages to your mobile phone or other mobile device?
blockedTextFor=Blocked Text for %s
noTextIsBlockedForThisAccount=No text is blocked for this account.
msnServersAreCurrentlyBlockingTheFollowing=MSN servers are currently blocking the following regular expressions:
thisAccountDoesNotHaveEmailEnabled=This account does not have email enabled.
sendAMobileMessage=Send a mobile message.
playingAGame=Playing a game
hasYou=Has you
homePhoneNumber=Home Phone Number
workPhoneNumber=Work Phone Number
mobilePhoneNumber=Mobile Phone Number
beRightBack=Be Right Back
onThePhone9eb07896=On the Phone
outToLunch99343157=Out to Lunch
gameTitle=Game Title
officeTitle=Office Title
setFriendlyNamed9e39644=Set Friendly Name…
viewLocations=View Locations…
setHomePhoneNumber=Set Home Telephone Number…
setWorkPhoneNumber=Set Work Telephone Number…
setMobilePhoneNumber=Set Mobile Phone Number…
enableDisableMobileDevices=Enable/Disable Mobile Devices…
allowDisallowMultipleLogins=Allow/Disallow Multiple Logins…
allowDisallowMobilePages=Allow/Disallow Mobile Pages…
viewBlockedText=View Blocked Text…
openHotmailInbox=Open Hotmail Inbox
sendToMobile=Send to Mobile
sslSupportIsNeededForMsnPlease=SSL support is needed for MSN. Please install a supported SSL library.
unableToAddTheBuddyBecauseThe=Unable to add the buddy %s because the username is invalid. Usernames must be valid email addresses.
unableToAddba21e7fb=Unable to Add
errorRetrievingProfile=Error retreiving profile
hobbiesAndInterests=Hobbies and Interests
aLittleAboutMe=A Little About Me
maritalStatus=Marital Status
hometown=Home town
placesLived=Places Lived
favoriteQuote=Favourite Quote
contactInfo=Contact Info
homePhone=Home Telephone
homePhone2=Home Telephone 2
homeAddress=Home Address
personalMobile=Personal Mobile
homeFax=Home Fax
personalEmail=Personal Email
personalIm=Personal IM
workPhone=Work Telephone
workPhone2=Work Telephone 2
workAddress=Work Address
workMobile=Work Mobile
workPager=Work Pager
workFax=Work Fax
workEmail=Work Email
workIm=Work IM
startDate=Start Date
favoriteThings=Favourite Things
lastUpdated=Last Updated
theUserHasNotCreatedAPublic=The user has not created a public profile.
msnReportedNotBeingAbleToFind=MSN reported not being able to find the user's profile. This either means that the user does not exist, or that the user exists but has not created a public profile.
couldNotFindAnyInformationInThe=Could not find any information in the user's profile. The user most likely does not exist.
viewWebProfile=View web profile
windowsLiveMessengerProtocolPlugin=Windows Live Messenger Protocol Plugin
useHttpMethod=Use HTTP Method
httpMethodServer=HTTP Method Server
showCustomSmileys=Show custom smileys
allowDirectConnections=Allow direct connections
allowConnectingFromMultipleLocations=Allow connecting from multiple locations
nudgeNudgeAUserToGetTheir=nudge: nudge a user to get their attention
windowsLiveIdAuthenticationUnableToConnect=Windows Live ID authentication: Unable to connect
windowsLiveIdAuthenticationInvalidResponse=Windows Live ID authentication: Invalid response
theFollowingUsersAreMissingFromYour=The following users are missing from your addressbook
unknownError7b2a485c=Unknown error (%d): %s
unableToAddUser=Unable to add user
unknownError97a3ad42=Unknown error (%d)
unableToRemoveUser=Unable to remove user
mobileMessageWasNotSentBecauseIt=Mobile message was not sent because it was too long.
theMsnServerWillShutDownFor=The MSN server will shut down for maintenance in %d minute. You will automatically be signed out at that time. Please finish any conversations in progress.\n\nAfter the maintenance has been completed, you will be able to successfully sign in.;The MSN server will shut down for maintenance in %d minutes. You will automatically be signed out at that time. Please finish any conversations in progress.\n\nAfter the maintenance has been completed, you will be able to successfully sign in.
messageWasNotSentBecauseTheSystem=Message was not sent because the system is unavailable. This normally happens when the user is blocked or does not exist.
messageWasNotSentBecauseMessagesAre=Message was not sent because messages are being sent too quickly.
messageWasNotSentBecauseAnUnknown86f18f86=Message was not sent because an unknown encoding error occurred.
messageWasNotSentBecauseAnUnknown07f7cb8f=Message was not sent because an unknown error occurred.
writingError=Writing error
readingError=Reading error
connectionErrorFromServer=Connection error from %s server:\n%s
ourProtocolIsNotSupportedByThe=Our protocol is not supported by the server
errorParsingHttp=Error parsing HTTP
youHaveSignedOnFromAnotherLocation=You have signed on from another location
theMsnServersAreTemporarilyUnavailablePlease=The MSN servers are temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again.
theMsnServersAreGoingDownTemporarily=The MSN servers are going down temporarily
unableToAuthenticate=Unable to authenticate: %s
yourMsnBuddyListIsTemporarilyUnavailable=Your MSN buddy list is temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again.
startingAuthentication=Starting authentication
gettingCookie=Getting cookie
sendingCookie=Sending cookie
retrievingBuddyList=Retrieving buddy list
requestsToViewYourWebcamButThis=%s requests to view your webcam, but this request is not yet supported.
invitedYouToViewHisHerWebcam=%s invited you to view their webcam, but this is not yet supported.
awayFromComputer=Away From Computer
onThePhone611ebd5c=On The Phone
outToLunch66245428=Out To Lunch
messageMayHaveNotBeenSentBecauseb0237fc2=Message may have not been sent because a timeout occurred:
messageCouldNotBeSentNotAllowed=Message could not be sent; not allowed while invisible:
messageCouldNotBeSentBecauseThe=Message could not be sent because the user is offline:
messageCouldNotBeSentBecauseA=Message could not be sent because a connection error occurred:
messageCouldNotBeSentBecauseWe59be7bcf=Message could not be sent because we are sending too quickly:
messageCouldNotBeSentBecauseWe6daaf4f3=Message could not be sent because we were unable to establish a session with the server. This is likely a server problem, try again in a few minutes:
messageCouldNotBeSentBecauseAn=Message could not be sent because an error with the switchboard occurred:
messageMayHaveNotBeenSentBecaused9e7ea68=Message may have not been sent because an unknown error occurred:
deleteBuddyFromAddressBook=Delete Buddy from Address Book?
doYouWantToDeleteThisBuddy=Do you want to delete this buddy from your address book as well?
theUsernameSpecifiedIsInvalid=The username specified is invalid.