unknownError=Unknown error
unknownReason=Unknown reason
doNotDisturb=Do Not Disturb
unableToDisplayTheSearchResults=Unable to display the search results.
donTUseEncryption=Do not use encryption
useEncryptionIfAvailable=Use encryption if available
requireEncryption=Require encryption
connectionSecurity=Connection security
lostConnectionWithServer=Lost connection with server: %s
unableToConnect5d04a002=Unable to connect
unableToConnectb0a9a86e=Unable to connect: %s
serverClosedTheConnection=Server closed the connection
emailAddress=Email Address
notAuthorized=Not Authorised
moodName=Mood Name
moodComment=Mood Comment
setUserInfo=Set User Info…
changePassword=Change Password…
sendFile=Send File
inLove=In love
notLoggedIn=Not logged in
unableToAdd=Unable to Add
homeAddress=Home Address
workAddress=Work Address
viewWebProfile=View web profile
youHaveSignedOnFromAnotherLocation=You have signed on from another location
incorrectPassword=Incorrect password
pleaseAuthorizeMeSoICanAdd=Please authorise me so I can add you to my buddy list.
noReasonGiven=No reason given.
authorizationDeniedMessage=Authorisation Denied Message:
receivedUnexpectedResponseFrom894db08f=Received unexpected response from %s: %s
receivedUnexpectedResponseFrom84a8f810=Received unexpected response from %s
youHaveBeenConnectingAndDisconnectingToo=You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer.
youRequiredEncryptionInYourAccountSettings70b9410a=You required encryption in your account settings, but one of the servers does not support it.
errorRequesting=Error requesting %s: %s
theServerReturnedAnEmptyResponse=The server returned an empty response
serverRequestedThatYouFillOutA=Server requested that you fill out a CAPTCHA in order to sign in, but this client does not currently support CAPTCHAs.
aolDoesNotAllowYourScreenName=AOL does not allow your screen name to authenticate here
thereWasAnErrorReceivingThisMessage3a6dbb62=(There was an error receiving this message.  The buddy you are speaking with is probably using a different encoding than expected.  If you know what encoding he is using, you can specify it in the advanced account options for your AIM/ICQ account.)
thereWasAnErrorReceivingThisMessage18152e8a=(There was an error receiving this message.  Either you and %s have different encodings selected, or %s has a buggy client.)
couldNotJoinChatRoom=Could not join chat room
invalidChatRoomName=Invalid chat room name
invalidError=Invalid error
cannotReceiveImDueToParentalControls=Cannot receive IM due to parental controls
cannotSendSmsWithoutAcceptingTerms=Cannot send SMS without accepting terms
cannotSendSms=Cannot send SMS
cannotSendSmsToThisCountry=Cannot send SMS to this country
cannotSendSmsToUnknownCountry=Cannot send SMS to unknown country
botAccountsCannotInitiateIms=Bot accounts cannot initiate IMs
botAccountCannotImThisUser=Bot account cannot IM this user
botAccountReachedImLimit=Bot account reached IM limit
botAccountReachedDailyImLimit=Bot account reached daily IM limit
botAccountReachedMonthlyImLimit=Bot account reached monthly IM limit
unableToReceiveOfflineMessages=Unable to receive offline messages
offlineMessageStoreFull=Offline message store full
unableToSendMessage36ff6c31=Unable to send message: %s (%s)
unableToSendMessage0108ecc4=Unable to send message: %s
unableToSendMessageToe0561f68=Unable to send message to %s: %s (%s)
unableToSendMessageToa3805d19=Unable to send message to %s: %s
watchingAMovie=Watching a movie
atTheOffice=At the office
takingABath=Taking a bath
watchingTv=Watching TV
havingFun=Having fun
usingAPda=Using a PDA
meetingFriends=Meeting friends
onThePhone=On the phone
searchingTheWeb=Searching the web
atAParty=At a party
havingCoffee=Having coffee
browsingTheWeb=Browsing the web
listeningToMusic=Listening to music
inTheRestroom=In the restroom
receivedInvalidDataOnConnectionWithServer=Received invalid data on connection with server
aimProtocolPlugin=AIM Protocol Plugin
icqUin=ICQ UIN…
icqProtocolPlugin=ICQ Protocol Plugin
theRemoteUserHasClosedTheConnection=The remote user has closed the connection.
theRemoteUserHasDeclinedYourRequest=The remote user has declined your request.
lostConnectionWithTheRemoteUserBr=Lost connection with the remote user:<br>%s
receivedInvalidDataOnConnectionWithRemote=Received invalid data on connection with remote user.
unableToEstablishAConnectionWithThe=Unable to establish a connection with the remote user.
directImEstablished=Direct IM established
triedToSendYouAFileBut=%s tried to send you a %s file, but we only allow files up to %s over Direct IM.  Try using file transfer instead.
fileIsWhichIsLargerThanThe=File %s is %s, which is larger than the maximum size of %s.
freeForChat=Free For Chat
notAvailable=Not Available
webAware=Web Aware
atHome=At home
atWork=At work
atLunch=At lunch
unableToConnectToAuthenticationServer=Unable to connect to authentication server: %s
unableToConnectToBosServer=Unable to connect to BOS server: %s
usernameSent=Username sent
connectionEstablishedCookieSent=Connection established, cookie sent
finalizingConnection=Finalising connection
unableToSignOnAsBecauseThe=Unable to sign on as %s because the username is invalid.  Usernames must be a valid email address, or start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers and spaces, or contain only numbers.
youRequiredEncryptionInYourAccountSettingsd3d4d297=You required encryption in your account settings, but encryption is not supported by your system.
youMayBeDisconnectedShortlyIfSo=You may be disconnected shortly.  If so, check %s for updates.
unableToGetAValidAimLogin=Unable to get a valid AIM login hash.
unableToGetAValidLoginHash=Unable to get a valid login hash.
receivedAuthorization=Received authorisation
usernameDoesNotExist=Username does not exist
yourAccountIsCurrentlySuspended=Your account is currently suspended
theAolInstantMessengerServiceIsTemporarily=The AOL Instant Messenger service is temporarily unavailable.
yourUsernameHasBeenConnectingAndDisconnecting=Your username has been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer.
theClientVersionYouAreUsingIs=The client version you are using is too old. Please upgrade at %s
yourIpAddressHasBeenConnectingAnd=Your IP address has been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait a minute and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer.
theSecuridKeyEnteredIsInvalid=The SecurID key entered is invalid
enterSecurid=Enter SecurID
enterThe6DigitNumberFromThe=Enter the 6 digit number from the digital display.
passwordSent=Password sent
unableToInitializeConnection=Unable to initialise connection
theUserHasDeniedYourRequestTo18086e13=The user %u has denied your request to add them to your buddy list for the following reason:\n%s
icqAuthorizationDenied=ICQ authorisation denied.
theUserHasGrantedYourRequestTo86eb99b5=The user %u has granted your request to add them to your buddy list.
youHaveReceivedASpecialMessageFrom=You have received a special message\n\nFrom: %s [%s]\n%s
youHaveReceivedAnIcqPageFrom=You have received an ICQ page\n\nFrom: %s [%s]\n%s
youHaveReceivedAnIcqEmailFrom=You have received an ICQ email from %s [%s]\n\nMessage is:\n%s
icqUserHasSentYouABuddy=ICQ user %u has sent you a buddy: %s (%s)
doYouWantToAddThisBuddy=Do you want to add this buddy to your buddy list?
youMissedMessageFromBecauseItWas1dfe3b44=You missed %hu message from %s because it was invalid.;You missed %hu messages from %s because they were invalid.
youMissedMessageFromBecauseItWasfa8d85ec=You missed %hu message from %s because it was too large.;You missed %hu messages from %s because they were too large.
youMissedMessageFromBecauseTheRate=You missed %hu message from %s because the rate limit has been exceeded.;You missed %hu messages from %s because the rate limit has been exceeded.
youMissedMessageFromBecauseHisHer=You missed %hu message from %s because his/her warning level is too high.;You missed %hu messages from %s because his/her warning level is too high.
youMissedMessageFromBecauseYourWarning=You missed %hu message from %s because your warning level is too high.;You missed %hu messages from %s because your warning level is too high.
youMissedMessageFromForAnUnknown=You missed %hu message from %s for an unknown reason.;You missed %hu messages from %s for an unknown reason.
yourAimConnectionMayBeLost=Your AIM connection may be lost.
youHaveBeenDisconnectedFromChatRoom=You have been disconnected from chat room %s.
theNewFormattingIsInvalid=The new formatting is invalid.
usernameFormattingCanChangeOnlyCapitalizationAnd=Username formatting can change only capitalisation and whitespace.
popUpMessage=Pop-Up Message
theFollowingUsernameIsAssociatedWith=The following username is associated with %s;The following usernames are associated with %s
noResultsFoundForEmailAddress=No results found for email address %s
youShouldReceiveAnEmailAskingTo=You should receive an email asking to confirm %s.
accountConfirmationRequested=Account Confirmation Requested
errorUnableToFormatUsernameBecauseThe1c3d047d=Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because the requested name differs from the original.
errorUnableToFormatUsernameBecauseIt=Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because it is invalid.
errorUnableToFormatUsernameBecauseThe7447f420=Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because the requested name is too long.
errorUnableToChangeEmailAddressBecausede3cb3c6=Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because there is already a request pending for this username.
errorUnableToChangeEmailAddressBecause22591b48=Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because the given address has too many usernames associated with it.
errorUnableToChangeEmailAddressBecause0ad48ef8=Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because the given address is invalid.
errorUnknownError=Error 0x%04x: Unknown error.
errorChangingAccountInfo=Error Changing Account Info
theEmailAddressForIs=The email address for %s is %s
accountInfo=Account Info
yourImImageWasNotSentYou00517231=Your IM Image was not sent. You must be Direct Connected to send IM Images.
unableToSetAimProfile=Unable to set AIM profile.
youHaveProbablyRequestedToSetYour=You have probably requested to set your profile before the login procedure completed.  Your profile remains unset; try setting it again when you are fully connected.
theMaximumProfileLengthOfByteHas=The maximum profile length of %d byte has been exceeded.  It has been truncated it for you.;The maximum profile length of %d bytes has been exceeded.  It has been truncated it for you.
profileTooLong=Profile too long.
theMaximumAwayMessageLengthOfByte=The maximum away message length of %d byte has been exceeded.  It has been truncated for you.;The maximum away message length of %d bytes has been exceeded.  It has been truncated for you.
awayMessageTooLong=Away message too long.
unableToAddTheBuddyBecauseThe=Unable to add the buddy %s because the username is invalid.  Usernames must be a valid email address, or start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers and spaces, or contain only numbers.
unableToRetrieveBuddyList=Unable to Retrieve Buddy List
theAimServersWereTemporarilyUnableTo=The AIM servers were temporarily unable to send your buddy list.  Your buddy list is not lost, and will probably become available in a few minutes.
unableToAddTheBuddyBecauseYou=Unable to add the buddy %s because you have too many buddies in your buddy list.  Please remove one and try again.
noName=(no name)
unableToAddTheBuddyForAn=Unable to add the buddy %s for an unknown reason.
theUserHasGivenYouPermissionTo=The user %s has given you permission to add him or her to your buddy list.  Do you want to add this user?
authorizationGiven=Authorisation Given
theUserHasGrantedYourRequestTo63840aca=The user %s has granted your request to add them to your buddy list.
authorizationGranted=Authorisation Granted
theUserHasDeniedYourRequestToc769f6a6=The user %s has denied your request to add them to your buddy list for the following reason:\n%s
authorizationDenied=Authorisation Denied
yourImImageWasNotSentYoudf954634=Your IM Image was not sent. You cannot send IM Images in AIM chats.
itunesMusicStoreLink=iTunes Music Store Link
buddyCommentFor=Buddy Comment for %s
buddyComment78b046be=Buddy Comment:
youHaveSelectedToOpenADirect=You have selected to open a Direct IM connection with %s.
becauseThisRevealsYourIpAddressIt=Because this reveals your IP address, it may be considered a security risk.  Do you wish to continue?
youClosedTheConnection=You closed the connection.
getAimInfo=Get AIM Info
editBuddyComment=Edit Buddy Comment
getXStatusMsg=Get X-Status Msg
endDirectImSession=End Direct IM Session
directIm=Direct IM
reRequestAuthorization=Re-request Authorisation
requireAuthorization=Require authorisation
webAwareEnablingThisWillCauseYou=Web aware (enabling this will cause you to receive spam!)
icqPrivacyOptions=ICQ Privacy Options
changeAddressTo=Change Address To:
youAreNotWaitingForAuthorization=you are not waiting for authorisation
youAreAwaitingAuthorizationFromTheFollowing=You are awaiting authorisation from the following buddies
youCanReRequestAuthorizationFromThese=You can re-request authorisation from these buddies by right-clicking on them and selecting "Re-request Authorisation."
findBuddyByEmail=Find Buddy by Email
searchForABuddyByEmailAddress=Search for a buddy by email address
typeTheEmailAddressOfTheBuddy=Type the email address of the buddy you are searching for.
setUserInfoWeb=Set User Info (web)…
changePasswordWeb=Change Password (web)
configureImForwardingWeb=Configure IM Forwarding (web)
setPrivacyOptions=Show Privacy Options…
showVisibleList=Show Visible List
showInvisibleList=Show Invisible List
confirmAccount=Confirm Account
displayCurrentlyRegisteredEmailAddress=Display Currently Registered Email Address
changeCurrentlyRegisteredEmailAddress=Change Currently Registered Email Address
showBuddiesAwaitingAuthorization=Show Buddies Awaiting Authorisation
searchForBuddyByEmailAddress=Search for Buddy by Email Address…
useClientlogin=Use clientLogin
alwaysUseAimIcqProxyServerFor=Always use AIM/ICQ proxy server for\nfile transfers and direct IM (slower,\nbut does not reveal your IP address)
allowMultipleSimultaneousLogins=Allow multiple simultaneous logins
askingToConnectToUsAtFor=Asking %s to connect to us at %s:%hu for Direct IM.
attemptingToConnectTo=Attempting to connect to %s:%hu.
attemptingToConnectViaProxyServer=Attempting to connect via proxy server.
hasJustAskedToDirectlyConnectTo=%s has just asked to directly connect to %s
thisRequiresADirectConnectionBetweenThe=This requires a direct connection between the two computers and is necessary for IM Images.  Because your IP address will be revealed, this may be considered a privacy risk.
buddyIcon=Buddy Icon
aimDirectIm=AIM Direct IM
getFile=Get File
icqXtraz=ICQ Xtraz
sendBuddyList=Send Buddy List
icqDirectConnect=ICQ Direct Connect
apUser=AP User
icqRtf=ICQ RTF
icqServerRelay=ICQ Server Relay
oldIcqUtf8=Old ICQ UTF8
trillianEncryption=Trillian Encryption
icqUtf8=ICQ UTF8
securityEnabled=Security Enabled
videoChat=Video Chat
ichatAv=iChat AV
liveVideo=Live Video
screenSharing=Screen Sharing
ipAddress=IP Address
warningLevel=Warning Level
buddyComment55df1136=Buddy Comment
userInformationNotAvailable=User information not available: %s
mobilePhone=Mobile Phone
personalWebPage=Personal Web Page
additionalInformation=Additional Information
workInformation=Work Information
webPage=Web Page
onlineSince=Online Since
memberSince=Member Since
invalidSnac=Invalid SNAC
serverRateLimitExceeded=Server rate limit exceeded
clientRateLimitExceeded=Client rate limit exceeded
serviceUnavailable=Service unavailable
serviceNotDefined=Service not defined
obsoleteSnac=Obsolete SNAC
notSupportedByHost=Not supported by host
notSupportedByClient=Not supported by client
refusedByClient=Refused by client
replyTooBig=Reply too big
responsesLost=Responses lost
requestDenied=Request denied
bustedSnacPayload=Busted SNAC payload
insufficientRights=Insufficient rights
inLocalPermitDeny=In local permit/deny
warningLevelTooHighSender=Warning level too high (sender)
warningLevelTooHighReceiver=Warning level too high (receiver)
userTemporarilyUnavailable=User temporarily unavailable
noMatch=No match
listOverflow=List overflow
requestAmbiguous=Request ambiguous
queueFull=Queue full
notWhileOnAol=Not while on AOL
appearOnline=Appear Online
donTAppearOnline=Do not Appear Online
appearOffline=Appear Offline
donTAppearOffline=Do not Appear Offline
youHaveNoBuddiesOnThisList=you have no buddies on this list
youCanAddABuddyToThis=You can add a buddy to this list by right-clicking on them and selecting "%s"
visibleList=Visible List
theseBuddiesWillSeeYourStatusWhen=These buddies will see your status when you switch to "Invisible"
invisibleList=Invisible List
theseBuddiesWillAlwaysSeeYouAs=These buddies will always see you as offline