doNotDisturb=Do Not Disturb
lostConnectionWithServer=Lost connection with server: %s
unableToConnect5d04a002=Unable to connect
unableToConnectb0a9a86e=Unable to connect: %s
serverClosedTheConnection=Server closed the connection
fullName=Full Name
unableToAddUser=Unable to add user
userId=User ID
bGroupTitleBBr=Group Title: %s
bNotesGroupIdBBr=Notes Group ID: %s
infoForGroup=Info for Group %s
notesAddressBookInformation=Notes Address Book Information
inviteGroupToConference=Invite Group to Conference…
getNotesAddressBookInfo=Get Notes Address Book Info
sendingHandshake=Sending Handshake
waitingForHandshakeAcknowledgement=Waiting for Handshake Acknowledgement
handshakeAcknowledgedSendingLogin=Handshake Acknowledged, Sending Login
waitingForLoginAcknowledgement=Waiting for Login Acknowledgement
loginRedirected=Login Redirected
forcingLogin=Forcing Login
loginAcknowledged=Login Acknowledged
startingServices=Starting Services
aSametimeAdministratorHasIssuedTheFollowing=A Sametime administrator has issued the following announcement on server %s
sametimeAdministratorAnnouncement=Sametime Administrator Announcement
announcementFrom=Announcement from %s
conferenceClosed=Conference Closed
unableToSendMessage=Unable to send message:
unableToSendMessageTo=Unable to send message to %s:
placeClosed=Place Closed
videoCamera=Video Camera
fileTransfer=File Transfer
externalUser=External User
createConferenceWithUser=Create conference with user
pleaseEnterATopicForTheNew=Please enter a topic for the new conference, and an invitation message to be sent to %s
newConference=New Conference
availableConferences=Available Conferences
createNewConference=Create New Conference…
inviteUserToAConference=Invite user to a conference
selectAConferenceFromTheListBelow=Select a conference from the list below to send an invite to user %s. Select "Create New Conference" if you'd like to create a new conference to invite this user to.
inviteToConference048c7684=Invite to Conference
inviteToConference4b0422db=Invite to Conference…
sendTestAnnouncement=Send TEST Announcement
aServerIsRequiredToConnectThis=A server is required to connect this account
unknownBr=Unknown (0x%04x)
lastKnownClient=Last Known Client
userName=User Name
sametimeId=Sametime ID
anAmbiguousUserIdWasEntered=An ambiguous user ID was entered
theIdentifierMayPossiblyReferToAny3c12a8db=The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following users. Please select the correct user from the list below to add them to your buddy list.
selectUser=Select User
unableToAddUserUserNotFound=Unable to add user: user not found
theIdentifierDidNotMatchAnyUsers215513e0=The identifier '%s' did not match any users in your Sametime community. This entry has been removed from your buddy list.
errorReadingFile=Error reading file %s: \n%s
remotelyStoredBuddyList=Remotely Stored Buddy List
buddyListStorageMode=Buddy List Storage Mode
localBuddyListOnly=Local Buddy List Only
mergeListFromServer=Merge List from Server
mergeAndSaveListToServer=Merge and Save List to Server
synchronizeListWithServer=Synchronize List with Server
importSametimeListForAccount=Import Sametime List for Account %s
exportSametimeListForAccount=Export Sametime List for Account %s
unableToAddGroupGroupExists=Unable to add group: group exists
aGroupNamedAlreadyExistsInYour=A group named '%s' already exists in your buddy list.
unableToAddGroup=Unable to add group
possibleMatches=Possible Matches
notesAddressBookGroupResults=Notes Address Book group results
theIdentifierMayPossiblyReferToAny263ba6c8=The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following Notes Address Book groups. Please select the correct group from the list below to add it to your buddy list.
selectNotesAddressBook=Select Notes Address Book
addGroup=Add Group
unableToAddGroupGroupNotFound=Unable to add group: group not found
theIdentifierDidNotMatchAnyNotes=The identifier '%s' did not match any Notes Address Book groups in your Sametime community.
notesAddressBookGroup=Notes Address Book Group
enterTheNameOfANotesAddress=Enter the name of a Notes Address Book group in the field below to add the group and its members to your buddy list.
searchResultsFor=Search results for '%s'
theIdentifierMayPossiblyReferToAnyed7ce1d3=The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following users. You may add these users to your buddy list or send them messages with the action buttons below.
searchResults=Search Results
noMatches3b470c1f=No matches
theIdentifierDidNotMatchAnyUsersce5883f2=The identifier '%s' did not match any users in your Sametime community.
noMatches232e4fee=No Matches
searchForAUser=Search for a user
enterANameOrPartialIdIn=Enter a name or partial ID in the field below to search for matching users in your Sametime community.
userSearch99705c2c=User Search
importSametimeList=Import Sametime List…
exportSametimeList=Export Sametime List…
addNotesAddressBookGroup=Add Notes Address Book Group…
userSearcha63b7bb3=User Search…
forceLoginIgnoreServerRedirects=Force login (ignore server redirects)
hideClientIdentity=Hide client identity