message=Message away=Away connecting=Connecting unknownCommand=Unknown command: %s currentTopicIs=current topic is: %s noTopicIsSet=No topic is set fileTransferFailed=File Transfer Failed unableToOpenAListeningPort=Unable to open a listening port. errorDisplayingMotd=Error displaying MOTD noMotdAvailable=No MOTD available thereIsNoMotdAssociatedWithThis=There is no MOTD associated with this connection. motdFor=MOTD for %s lostConnectionWithServer=Lost connection with server: %s viewMotd=View MOTD _channel=_Channel: _password=_Password: ircNickAndServerMayNotContain=IRC nick and server may not contain whitespace sslSupportUnavailable=SSL support unavailable unableToConnect5d04a002=Unable to connect unableToConnectb0a9a86e=Unable to connect: %s serverClosedTheConnection=Server closed the connection users=Users topic=Topic ircProtocolPlugin=IRC Protocol Plugin theIrcProtocolPluginThatSucksLess=The IRC Protocol Plugin that Sucks Less server=Server port=Port encodings=Encodings autoDetectIncomingUtf8=Auto-detect incoming UTF-8 username=Username realName=Real name useSsl=Use SSL quit4654be33=quit: %s quitdbd73c2b=quit badMode=Bad mode banOnBySetAgo=Ban on %s by %s, set %s ago banOn=Ban on %s endOfBanList=End of ban list youAreBannedFrom=You are banned from %s. banned=Banned cannotBanBanlistIsFull=Cannot ban %s: banlist is full iIrcopI= (ircop) iIdentifiedI= (identified) nick=Nick currentlyOn=Currently on idleFor=Idle for onlineSince=Online since bDefiningAdjectiveB=Defining adjective: glorious=Glorious hasChangedTheTopicTo=%s has changed the topic to: %s hasClearedTheTopic=%s has cleared the topic. theTopicForIs=The topic for %s is: %s unknownMessagef8cc035a=Unknown message '%s' unknownMessagee3609839=Unknown message theIrcServerReceivedAMessageIt=The IRC server received a message it did not understand. usersOn=Users on %s: %s timeResponse=Time Response theIrcServerSLocalTimeIs=The IRC server's local time is: noSuchChannel74c0bbbe=No such channel noSuchChannelc4e455f9=no such channel userIsNotLoggedIn=User is not logged in noSuchNickOrChannel=No such nick or channel couldNotSend=Could not send joiningRequiresAnInvitation=Joining %s requires an invitation. invitationOnly=Invitation only youHaveBeenKickedBy=You have been kicked by %s: (%s) kickedBy=Kicked by %s (%s) modeBy=mode (%s %s) by %s invalidNickname=Invalid nickname yourSelectedNicknameWasRejectedByThe=Your selected nickname was rejected by the server. It probably contains invalid characters. yourSelectedAccountNameWasRejectedBy=Your selected account name was rejected by the server. It probably contains invalid characters. theNicknameIsAlreadyBeingUsed=The nickname "%s" is already being used. nicknameInUse=Nickname in use cannotChangeNick=Cannot change nick couldNotChangeNick=Could not change nick youHavePartedTheChannel%s%s=You have parted the channel%s%s errorInvalidPongFromServer=Error: invalid PONG from server pingReplyLagSeconds=PING reply -- Lag: %lu seconds cannotJoinRegistrationIsRequired=Cannot join %s: Registration is required. cannotJoinChannel=Cannot join channel nickOrChannelIsTemporarilyUnavailable=Nick or channel is temporarily unavailable. wallopsFrom=Wallops from %s actionLtActionToPerformGtPerform=action <action to perform>: Perform an action. authservSendACommandToAuthserv=authserv: Send a command to authserv awayMessageSetAnAwayMessageOr=away [message]: Set an away message, or use no message to return from being away. ctcpNickMsgSendsCtcpMsgTo=ctcp : sends ctcp msg to nick. chanservSendACommandToChanserv=chanserv: Send a command to chanserv deopLtNick1GtNick2RemoveChannel=deop <nick1> [nick2] …: Remove channel operator status from someone. You must be a channel operator to do this. devoiceLtNick1GtNick2RemoveChannel=devoice <nick1> [nick2] …: Remove channel voice status from someone, preventing them from speaking if the channel is moderated (+m). You must be a channel operator to do this. inviteLtNickGtRoomInviteSomeone=invite <nick> [room]: Invite someone to join you in the specified channel, or the current channel. jLtRoom1GtRoom2Key1Key2=j <room1>[,room2][,…] [key1[,key2][,…]]: Enter one or more channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed. joinLtRoom1GtRoom2Key1Key2=join <room1>[,room2][,…] [key1[,key2][,…]]: Enter one or more channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed. kickLtNickGtMessageRemoveSomeone=kick <nick> [message]: Remove someone from a channel. You must be a channel operator to do this. listDisplayAListOfChatRooms=list: Display a list of chat rooms on the network. Warning, some servers may disconnect you upon doing this. meLtActionToPerformGtPerform=me <action to perform>: Perform an action. memoservSendACommandToMemoserv=memoserv: Send a command to memoserv modeLtGtLtAZaZ=mode <+|-><A-Za-z> <nick|channel>: Set or unset a channel or user mode. msgLtNickGtLtMessageGt=msg <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user (as opposed to a channel). namesChannelListTheUsersCurrentlyIn=names [channel]: List the users currently in a channel. nickLtNewNicknameGtChangeYour=nick <new nickname>: Change your nickname. nickservSendACommandToNickserv=nickserv: Send a command to nickserv noticeLtTargetLtSendANotice=notice <target<: Send a notice to a user or channel. opLtNick1GtNick2GrantChannel=op <nick1> [nick2] …: Grant channel operator status to someone. You must be a channel operator to do this. operwallLtMessageGtIfYouDon=operwall <message>: If you don't know what this is, you probably can't use it. operservSendACommandToOperserv=operserv: Send a command to operserv partRoomMessageLeaveTheCurrentChannel=part [room] [message]: Leave the current channel, or a specified channel, with an optional message. pingNickAsksHowMuchLagA=ping [nick]: Asks how much lag a user (or the server if no user specified) has. queryLtNickGtLtMessageGt=query <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user (as opposed to a channel). quitMessageDisconnectFromTheServerWith=quit [message]: Disconnect from the server, with an optional message. quoteSendARawCommandToThe=quote […]: Send a raw command to the server. removeLtNickGtMessageRemoveSomeone=remove <nick> [message]: Remove someone from a room. You must be a channel operator to do this. timeDisplaysTheCurrentLocalTimeAt=time: Displays the current local time at the IRC server. topicNewTopicViewOrChangeThe=topic [new topic]: View or change the channel topic. umodeLtGtLtAZaZ=umode <+|-><A-Za-z>: Set or unset a user mode. versionNickSendCtcpVersionRequestTo=version [nick]: send CTCP VERSION request to a user voiceLtNick1GtNick2GrantChannel=voice <nick1> [nick2] …: Grant channel voice status to someone. You must be a channel operator to do this. wallopsLtMessageGtIfYouDon=wallops <message>: If you don't know what this is, you probably can't use it. whoisServerLtNickGtGetInformation=whois [server] <nick>: Get information on a user. whowasLtNickGtGetInformationOn=whowas <nick>: Get information on a user that has logged off. replyTimeFromSeconds=Reply time from %s: %lu seconds pong=PONG ctcpPingReply=CTCP PING reply disconnected=Disconnected.